Monday, March 26, 2012

Nebraska 4-H Alumni Ice Cream Social

Hello Everyone!

February is Nebraska 4-H Month. So, the 4-H Ambassadors decided to have a 4-H Alumni Ice Cream Social where 4-H Alumni's and others came out to celebrate. It was a fun filled event that was located in the East Campus Union at UNL.

We had a football signed by Ndomukong Suh, which we had a drawing for. The winner of the football was Kelly McCarty who was a 4-H Alumni from St. Paul, Nebraska. She told us her own story while being in 4-H:

"My favorite memory was when I just began taking goats to fair. My very first year taking goats, I won third place in showmanship. What's more amazing, is I won Grand Champion Market with a goat that only had half an ear! I've been showing goats ever since."

 We also had 4-H Alumni stickers for them to wear around campus. The Ambassadors decided to have a large map of Nebraska to show where everyone was from by putting a star sticker in its place. The delicous Dairy Store Ice Cream was the best! It was 4-H Clover Mint Ice Cream! YUM! The perfect way to celebrate!

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